It was September 1st, 2012, the first day of school. Frank and Rosie were walking to school. Rosie was Frank’s little sister, and their mother specifically told Frank to watch out for her. They were both old enough where mother could trust them to walk to school, alone. Along the way, they had to walk through the busy streets of New York City, which is a very dangerous city. They had to look both ways before crossing every street. If they didn’t, they could get killed or seriously hurt. So, Frank and Rosie did exactly that. They made it through the streets without getting hurt. Rosie was really happy because they made it to school safe and sound. Frank was a little worried, because New York City is a very busy place. Thoughts were running through his head.
Some of the thoughts were,’Will we be able to make it across the streets safely, or will one of us get hit? What if Rosie gets hurt? I will be grounded forever if Mom found out.’
These thoughts were really making him worried, but when he saw all of his best friends at the doorway of school, he got suddenly happy. He knew that he was going to have a good day.
After school, Rosie was waiting for Frank outside of school. They had to walk home together. Rosie waited and waited. She waited and waited for about 20 minutes. Finally, Frank walked out of the doorway with a girl. He was smiling, and so was she. Rosie was pretty…shocked. She never knew that her older brother would get a girlfriend. He had cooties still, even though he was in the tenth grade. She was a sixth grader, and she still believed in cooties. She was getting a little old.
Frank started to walk over to Rosie.
“Um Frank, who is that?!” said Rosie, very surprised.
Frank replied,”Erin. A girl I met. We have a lot in common.”
“Whatever, let’s go home.”
“Kay, let’s go.”
Rosie and Frank started to walk off.
Quietly, Rosie said,”Frank has a girlfriend, Frank has a girlfriend.”
Frank shoved Rosie. The two of them happily went off, while shoving each other back and forth.
“Wow, Time Square is so busy today. How are we going to be able to cross?” asked Frank.
Rosie replied,”I have no idea. This is going to be difficult.”
They both looked up and down the streets to see if there were any openings. But there weren’t. It was so backed up, where a taxi tried to weave around a car in front of him. There wasn’t enough room, but the taxi still tried. It hit a pole, which crashed down.
“Woah! Watch out,” screamed out Frank.
Rosie moved out of the way, just in time. She wasn’t hurt, and no one else was. The pole hit a building, which made a big dent in it. People from the building came rushing out, pretty mad. Suddenly, a building a block away began to tip over and then crash. People were screaming everywhere. Frank grabbed Rosie’s hand and ran. They needed to find a safe place. Frank found one near a tree. They both sat down, really scared. Another building behgin to fall down.
Rosie was really scared. “Why is this happening?”she asked.
Frank said,”Today in class we reviewed that the Myan’s though the world was going to end in 2012. I think that this is happening because of that. I thought that it wasn’t true though. But, it obviosuly is.”
“I am really scared. Wait, what about Mom? What is she going to do?”
“She is going to be fine, trust me. You do trust me, right?”
“Of course I do.”
“Good. Okay, now all we have to do is sit here.”
Frank and Rosie sat there, watching out for other buildings falling down. Many were falling down, and many people were getting hurt. Things other than buildings were falling also, like trees. In Time Square, there are a lot of big trees. Luckily, none of them had fallen down. They looked like they were about to, though. One building in the distance started to fall, onto the big tree. The big tree was starting to fall, right behind Frank and Rosie. Frank looked back, and quickly jumped back. Rosie didn’t realize that the tree was falling, so she didn’t move. The tree was starting to creep up to her, and then finally landed. It landed right on her body. Rosie became unconciounce instantly. Right away, Frank got up and tried to help his sister. He tried to lift up the tree, but it was too heavy. The pole next to him was the only thing that could help him lift up the tree. Quickly, he grabbed the pole and pushed at the tree. He got the tree to move a little bit, but he had to try even harder. The pole was getting really heavy also. That did not stop Frank. He had to save his little sister. He was determined. Frank pushed the tree with all his might, and he finally got the tree off. Rosie was all dirty and drowned in blood. Frank grabbed Rosie and took her behind a fallen tree. He studied Rosie for a long time. She was bleeding from her stomach, and her arm. Hoping that she wasn’t dead, Frank tried what he could to get her stop bleeding. His shirt was the only good, useful piece of bandage that would secure her up. Frank tightly wrapped his shirt around her arm and stomach and waited. Rosie started to wake up. Rosie was so confused. Frank told her everything, like he always does. The two of them got up, and started to walk home. No buildings were falling, and everything has died down. Once they got to their house, they stood there and stared, with their mouths wide open. Their house got crushed from one of the trees. Their mom was standing outside, with all of their belongings that didn’t get crushed. Both of the kids ran to their mom. Mom was so happy to see them. She gave both of the kids a big hug. She explained what happened that day, and the kids were in complete shock. So, they took out some things from what belongings were still good in shape. They set up a camp sight, and settled down for the night.
Mom woke up early, and then woke up the kids. They set out foot to find a new place to live. They searched towns nearby. Finally, they came to a small town called Witchita. There were huge houses, and they were extremely cheap. The mother used what money she had left, and bought a house. The family put all of their belongings in the hosue, and went to bed. In the morning, the kids got up, got ready, and started to walk to school, just like they did the day before, January 1st, 2012.
Dance Angel
Dear angel, Ever at my side
Be there today, my feet to guide.
Help me dance high, and light, and free,
So everyone will be proud of me.
May the judges be fair and the stages be spacious.
In winning and losing let me be gracious,
So that every dance I'll remember with pride.
And angel, please keep my shoelaces tied.
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About Me

- Brenna
- My name is Brenna, as you all know. I am an Irish dancer with the Trinity Irish Dancers. You know, it's really fun. I also like to play volleyball with school.
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